Why oh why?

For as long as I can remember I’ve found the phrase “just leave it” follows me around. I have a lot to say about most things, enjoy debate, don’t shy away from conflict and do a good line in passive aggressive questioning. Nothing though has ever really filled me with enough passion to write about it (except maybe my hatered of wine spritzers served in anything other than a wine glass. No, just no.) Then came pregnancy and to my great delight I found a whole new set of things I could have an opinion on. Even better? There are plenty of people also willing to stick their oar in or listen! 

I ventured a few opinions on Facebook during my second trimester. Firstly regarding medical intervention during labour (I don’t see why it’s presented so negatively, still don’t despite a long and horrendous labour) and then on the media coverage of Jess Ennis and her return to sport following the birth of her son (I felt they were reducing her achievements with constant reference to her position as a mother). I was overwhelmed by responses, both agreeing and disagreeing with me. That said I decided to keep my mouth firmly closed until I had sqwoze my tiny human out of me, after all what if I was wrong? Not just about these two things but about so many others? Whilst I’m all for admitting I made a mistake or was in the wrong, I didn’t want to give anyone the opportunity to say “told you so!”

Now I’m five months in to parenting tiny human (TH) I feel ready to unleash my mouth again. I have so much to say, that I usually dispatch from my mouth after a few glasses of wine. Humerous, serious, depressing, inquisitive, there’s no limit to how much pinot I can wave round while pointing and gesturing.

So here I am now, introducing my blog. My aim is to give my views and experiences, without being ‘unsisterly’ as there is far too much of that behaviour as it is, I would hope that anyone reading could extend the same courtesy. I strongly believe that at no point does being a gobshite mean I need to bring others down. Quite the opposite, I hope to empower others or at the very least give them something to talk about.

So I’ll leave this intro on a cliffhanger shall I? For my first post, I shall write about the thing that fills me with the most passion: my choice to bottle feed my son.


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